
What does it mean?! Don't worry, Rabbi Wiener can help your other head too! 

Rabbi Wiener of Kosher Condoms

Kosher: Any food or thing that is proper, legitimate, and prepared according to dietary and ceremonial Jewish laws

Yarmulke: (Pronounced yah-ma-kah) A brimless cap that is traditionally worn to fulfill the customary requirement that the head be covered, especially during prayer

Why is this condom different from all other condoms?: During the Passover Seder, four questions are asked including "Why is this night different from all other nights?". This just has a Rabbi Wiener spin on it Rabbi Wiener of Kosher Condoms 

Messiah: A descendant of a King that will bring peace to all

Shtupping: To have sex

Manishevitz: Kosher wine

Mazel Tov: This means both good luck and congratulations

Break Fast: Yom Kippur is a Jewish holiday that celebrates atonement and repentance. It is observed by fasting and praying in order to atone for your sins and seal the fate of the year to come. Many celebrate at sundown with a break the fast meal

Chutzpah: The amount of audacity or courage someone has 

Plague: In the Passover Seder, the 10 plagues are recited. These plagues are believed to be sent from God onto the Egyptians to convince Pharaoh to free the Jewish people from slavery

Temple: The central place of worship for the Jewish people

Moses: The Hebrew prophet that is known for leading the Jews out of Egypt by parting the Red Sea to get them to safety 

Schmear: Anything that can be spread

Shalom: The true meaning is peace, however, it is a commonly used Hebrew word to say hello and goodbye

Mensch: A good person

Putz: A nicer way of saying idiot

Sinai Desert: Home to one of the most sacred locations in the Jewish religion, Mt. Sinai. This is where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments

Challah: Leavened and braided white bread that is traditionally made to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath